Typ i cal line sweep test pro ce dures 4-3, Sys tem re turn loss mea sure ment 4-3, Information required for a line sweep – Anritsu S331C User Manual
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The performance of a transmission feed line system may be effected by excessive signal re-
flection and cable loss. Signal reflection occurs when the RF signal reflects back due to an
impedance mismatch or change in impedance caused by excessive kinking or bending of
the transmission line. Cable loss is caused by attenuation of the signal as it passes through
the transmission line and connectors.
To verify the performance of the transmission feed line system and analyze these problems,
three types of line sweeps are required:
Return Loss Measurement
¾Measures the reflected power of the system in decibels (dB).
This measurement can also be taken in the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) mode,
which is the ratio of the transmitted power to the reflected power. However, the return loss
measurement is typically used for most field applications.
Insertion Loss Measurement
¾Measures the energy absorbed, or lost, by the transmission
line in dB/ft or dB/meter. Different transmission lines have different losses, and the loss is
frequency and distance specific. The higher the frequency or longer the distance, the greater
the loss.
Distance-To-Fault (DTF) Measurement
¾Reveals the precise fault location of compo-
nents in the transmission line system. This test helps to identify specific problems in the
system, such as connector transitions, jumpers, kinks in the cable or moisture intrusion.
The different measurements are defined as:
Return Loss - System Sweep
¾A measurement made when the antenna is connected at the
end of the transmission line. This measurement provides an analysis of how the various
components of the system are interacting and provides an aggregate return loss of the entire
Distance To Fault - Load Sweep
¾A measurement made with the antenna disconnected
and replaced with a 50
W precision load at the end of the transmission line. This measure-
ment allows analysis of the various components of the transmission feed line system in the
DTF mode.
Cable Loss - Insertion Loss Sweep
¾A measurement made when a short is connected at
the end of the transmission line. This condition allows analysis of the signal loss through
the transmission line and identifies the problems in the system. High insertion loss in the
feed line or jumpers can contribute to poor system performance and loss of coverage.
This whole process of measurements and testing the transmission line system is called Line
Information Required for a Line Sweep
The following information must be determined before attempting a line sweep measure-
System Frequency Range, to set the sweep frequency
Cable Type, to set the cable characteristics for DTF measurements
Distance of the Cable Run, to set the distance for DTF measurements
Chapter 4 Cable & Antenna Measurements