Sony DMX-NV1 User Manual
Sony Car Video

Frequently Asked Questions:
Home Networking, Wireless Adapters, and Powerline
Adapters for the
Internet Video Link
What is a home network?
A home network is a way of connecting your BRAVIA® Internet Video Link with your
broadband Internet service using a powerline adapter, a wireless bridge, or a wireless
gaming adapter. Sony recommends the use of either a powerline adapter or a wireless
bridge that physically connects to your BRAVIA Internet Video Link via an Ethernet
cable. Both the powerline adapter and wireless bridge are used as a pair of units…one
that connects to your BRAVIA Internet Video Link and the matched unit which is
connected to your home router, cable modem, or DSL modem, also via an Ethernet cable.
The paired devices recognize each other without a complicated software set-up procedure.
What is a wireless network?
A wireless network is a way of connecting your BRAVIA Internet Video Link to the
Internet using a wireless router combined with a wireless bridge or gaming adapter. They
communicate with each other by sending radio signals to transfer video content and data.
There are various wireless technology standards such as 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n
that are used by a wireless bridge or gaming adapter, and are capable of providing a
wireless link between your broadband Internet service and the BRAVIA Internet Video
Link. Please see the sections that explain these in more detail. Also remember that home
appliances, home building materials, and distance from a router impact the speed of your
wireless connection.
What is a router?
A router is a home networking device that acts as a gateway, allowing other wired and
wireless consumer electronics such as desktop computers, notebook computers, gaming
consoles, and digital media receivers to connect to the Internet and to each other so that
information can be shared or transmitted. Most home networks have a router directly
connected to either a cable modem or DSL modem via an Ethernet cable, so that other
home devices can share the same Internet connection. A router serves as the central hub
or gateway that controls the flow of information from one device to another, or from a
home device to the Internet. A router links devices by an IP address that identifies each
device on a home network.
What is an Ethernet cable?
An Ethernet cable is a certain type of networking cable, often called a CAT 5 cable or RJ-
45 cable, which connects home networking devices together through an interface that
looks similar to a phone jack. An Ethernet cable looks like a phone cable but has more