Persistent serial commands – AMX Mio Modero R-2 User Manual
Page 18

Programming The Mio R-2
Mio Modero R-2
Persistent Serial Commands
There are a select number of persistent commands the Mio R-2 recognizes. Establish a HyperTerminal
session with your device to use the following commands:
Serial Commands
Set Brightness level
"'BRIT- level>'" Variables: (1) "'@BRT-16'" Sets the awake brightness level to 50%. (2) "'@BRT-32,5'" Sets the awake brightness level to 100% and sleep brightness level to IRMODE # Sets the IR transmission frequency to either 455KHz or 38KHz. "IRMODE #" Variables: "IRMODE 455" Sets the IR transmission frequency to 455KHz. SLEEP-# Force the device into screen saver mode. "'SLEEP-#'" (timed sleep; a persistent command) Variables: SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'SLEEP-45'" Forces the device into screen saver mode after 45 seconds.
brightness level # = a value from 0 - 32.
"'@BRT-#'" (Set LED Awake brightness level)
"'@BRT-#,#'" (Set LED Awake brightness level, sleep brightness level)
approximately 15%
# = 455 or 38
# = 0 - 60 in seconds; time to wait before going to sleep. Default is 30. 0 sets
the device to never sleep.