Sony ERS-7M3 User Manual
Page 19

Photo Alb
* The images shown above are displayed in Web pages, so their
resolutions differ from that of the actual pictures taken by the
Entertainment Robot.
Pictures taken by voice commands, AIBO card,
and AIBO MAIL (Max. 10)
This displays the photos taken by the AIBO robot
when told to “Take a picture”, shown the “Photo
(B)” card, or sent an AIBO MAIL from a PC or
mobile communication device.
Pictures and sounds recorded during House
Sitting mode (Max. 15)
This displays the photos taken by the AIBO robot
while in House Sitting mode. You can also listen to
sounds the AIBO robot has recorded (page 20).
Friendly faces (Max. 3)
This displays the photos of the registered owners of
the AIBO robot.
Favorite things (Max. 3)
This displays the photos of the registered favorite
things of the AIBO robot.
Favorite place (Max. 1)
This displays the photo taken by the AIBO robot of
its favorite place.
Today’s souvenir picture (Max. 1)
This displays the photo taken by the AIBO robot
for its diary.
Click on an image to display an enlarged version in a
separate window. Picture resolution is 416 × 320
* Please ensure that you are using Microsoft
Internet Explorer 6.