Transferring music files to your vaio computer – Sony PCV-RS310 User Manual
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Transferring music files to your VAIO computer
You can transfer music to your VAIO computer from many different sources.
Audio CDs — Put your CD into your optical drive and check in songs to your computer's hard drive.
From external devices
using a USB cable — Connect your external device, such as a Network Walkman
Handheld, to your VAIO computer and check in the songs to your computer's hard drive.
MagicGate Memory Stick media — For computers with a built-in Memory Stick media slot, transfer songs to and
from a MagicGate Memory Stick media.
(EMD) services on the Internet — Download songs from the Internet to your
computer's hard drive, using Electronic Music Distribution services.
Analog records or casettes — Use SonicStage Mastering Studio software to bring music from these sources into
your computer.
E quipment c ompatibility may vary. See the doc umentation s upplied with the devic e for details .
U s e of an E M D s ervic e requires I nternet ac c es s and s eparate s ubs c ription to the E M D s ervic e. T he Sonic Stage s oftware s upports only E M D s ervic es
c ompatible with O penM G tec hnology. Refer to the online H elp within the Sonic Stage s oftware for details .
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