Sony PCG-GRX580P User Manual

Page 159

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I cannot use Digital Video (DV) devices. The message "DV equipment seems to be disconnected or turned
off" appears.

Check that the DV device is turned on and that the cables are properly connected.

If you are using multiple i.LINK



devices, the combination or order of the devices may be causing the problem. In

this case, turn off your notebook and all connected devices. Disconnect the devices that are not in use. Check the
connections for each device, and then restart your notebook.


i.LI N K is a Sony trademark us ed to des ignate that a produc t c ontains an I E E E 1 3 9 4 c onnec tion. T he i.LI N K c onnec tion may vary, depending on the

s oftware applic ations , operating s ys tem, and c ompatible i.LI N K devic es . A ll produc ts with an i.LI N K c onnec tor may not c ommunic ate with eac h other. Refer
to the doc umentation that c ame with your c ompatible i.LI N K devic e for information on operating c onditions and proper c onnec tion. Before c onnec ting
c ompatible i.LI N K P C peripherals to your s ys tem, s uc h as a C D-RW or hard dis k drive, c onfirm their operating s ys tem c ompatibility and required operating
c onditions .

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