Adder Technology 2XPRO User Manual
Page 57

SmartView XPro
Installation and Use
Page 56
is duplicated on both the local and remote access points but the SmartView will
accept keyboard and mouse data from only one KVM at a time. Whilst one of the
KVMs is active, the num, caps and scroll lock keys on the inactive KVM's keyboard
will flash indicating that the KVM does not have control.
Once there has been no keyboard or mouse data from the active KVM for the
timeout period (see section 3.6.12 for instructions on how to set the timeout period),
the other KVM is allowed access. Once keyboard or mouse data activity is detected
from this new KVM it gains control and the other KVM is disabled.
4.16 Cascading SmartViews
SmartView XPros can be cascaded in a tree structure to support larger numbers of
computers. Up to four cascade levels are supported and the number of cascade
links between SmartViews can be chosen by the user. The number of installed
cascade links determines the number of users that may be accessing ports on the
cascaded units simultaneously. The full rules that must be followed when configuring
a cascade of SmartViews are given in section 2.5.
Although it is theoretically possible to select computers on cascaded units by
pressing the hotkeys and then typing in the port address this would be highly
confusing for users and is not generally recommended. Consequently it is normally
advisable to use the on-screen menu to select computers on cascaded units.
However it is sometimes useful to be able to connect to ports on cascaded units via
a specific cascade cable (rather than the first available of a group) in order to check
that the cabling is working as expected. To do this you can use a hotkey sequence
similar to the example shown below.
For example to connect to port 14 on a SmartView 4XPro that is cascaded off port 1
of your first SmartView XPro. Although the following example selects a port with a
four digit address (port 0114) you can type port addresses that are eight digits long
to access computers that are on the forth cascade level (e.g. Port 01140203).