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Technical Data, see „technical data“ book


Function of the Unit



ROWELD P 250 A is a compact, easy to handle and easy to transport heating plate butt fusion
plastic pipe welding machine. Welding joints on pipes made of PE-, PVDF- and PP with outer
Diameter of 40 to 250 mm can be produced with the machine safely.

The machine basically consists of:

Monoblock machine housing with fixed and movable table, electric trimmer, electronically regu-
lated heating element, basic clamping set Ø160mm and Ø250mm, pipe supports, workingand
transport frame, adaptor clamping inserts.


Operating instructions

In accordance with national or EU ordinances and guidelines, e. g. DVS 2212,
Section I, only duly qualified and authorised personnel are allowed to operate the
ROWELD welding machines!

Only trained and authorised welders are allowed to operate the machine!

3.2.1 Putting into operation

Please read through the operating instructions and safety instructions atten-
tively before you put the butt fusion welding machine into operation!

Do not use the heating element in explosive environments or bring it into
contact with easily flammable materials!

 Open the 4 locks and lift the upper part of the transport box and turn it around. Put the ma-

chine on a level, solid surface.

 Put the machine, which is mounted on the base of transport box onto the opening of the up-

per part of the transport box.

 Turn the handle bar into the pressure lever joint (frontside of the machine) and loosen the

knurled handle for fixing the table.

 Pull the trimmer lock to the front and swivel the trimmer to the back.
 Swivel heating element to the back and turn the handle bar into heating plate holder.
 Connect power plug of trimmer unit and heating element to the power supply stated on the

type plate.

The red diode “Stand by“ lights up. That is: there is a voltage being applied. Switch on the heater
element using the large pushbutton (lights up green) and select the desired temperature (160°C
to 285°C) using the “+“ or “-“ button.
Heating up of the heater element is displayed by a yellow diode on the heater element. A hori-
zontal bar also appears on the temperature indicator. The yellow diode goes out shortly before
reaching the set temperature (tolerance +/-3°C) and the green one lights up. After a further 10
minutes the heating element is ready to use. Check the temperature using a temperature meas-
uring instrument.

Setting the off-set:

press the “+“ and “-“ button at the same time. The heater element can subse-

quently be calibrated using one of these buttons and an external temperature measuring instru-

If the heater element displays a smaller value than that on the external temperature measuring
instrument then the difference must be adjusted using the “+“ button. For indicated values in the
other direction adjust the difference using the “-“ button. If “Er1“ appears it means that the elec-
tronics are defective. “Er2“ means that the resistance thermometer is defective or not connected.

Very hot

– Do not touch! The heating element can reach a temperature of

approx. 290°C!