1 - norm - emer switch, 3 - ics volume control, 4 - lighting – Air Comm Systems ACS 2010 User Manual

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Air Comm Systems, Inc.

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ACS 2010 Operations and Installation Manual

Front Panel Controls

( See Figure 1 — Page 8 for pictorial )


1 - Norm - Emer Switch

This switch controls the operations of the audio panel in the event of an audio amplifier failure. In the “up”

position (NORM) the audio panel is in normal operating mode. In the “down” position (EMER) all audios are

summed and then fed directly to the headphones. This enables the use of the transmitters and other

equipment during audio amplifier failure.


2 - QUICK ADJUST Adjustable Receive Audio Volume - On/Off Pots

Any Receive audio can be selected and muted using innovative new QUICK ADJUST volume pots. A

receive audio is selected by pulling out the knob toward the operator. With the receive audio activated, the

headphone volume of the audio can then be adjusted to the desired level. Turning the knob in a clockwise

direction increases the volume level, and turning in the counter-clockwise direction decreases the volume

level. To mute the receive audio, the knob only needs to be pushed back in. The volume for that audio

remains set at the desired level and does not need to be reset the next time it is selected.


3 - ICS Volume Control

This knob adjusts ICS headphone volume. Clockwise rotation increases the volume - counter clockwise

rotation decreases the volume.


4 - Lighting

The audio panel is lit by two 28V lamps ( P/N 327 ) which provide night time visibility for all panel legends.

These lamps can be replaced in the event of a failure by unscrewing the front panel mounted filter cap,

inserting a new lamp, and reinserting the filter into the front panel.