Rs-485 library, Mikroc – ABL electronic PIC Microcontrollers PIC16 User Manual

Page 251

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RS-485 is a multipoint communication which allows multiple devices to be con-
nected to a single signal cable. mikroC provides a set of library routines to provide
you comfortable work with RS-485 system using Master/Slave architecture.
Master and Slave devices interchange packets of information, each of these pack-
ets containing synchronization bytes, CRC byte, address byte, and the data. Each
Slave has its unique address and receives only the packets addressed to it. Slave
can never initiate communication. It is programmer’s responsibility to ensure that
only one device transmits via 485 bus at a time.

RS-485 routines require USART module on PORTC. Pins of USART need to be
attached to RS-485 interface transceiver, such as LTC485 or similar. Pins of trans-
ceiver (Receiver Output Enable and Driver Outputs Enable) should be connected
to PORTC, pin 2 (check the figure at end of the chapter).

Note: Address 50 is the common address for all Slaves (packets containing
address 50 will be received by all Slaves). The only exceptions are Slaves with
addresses 150 and 169, which require their particular address to be specified in the







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RS-485 Library

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