Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR User Manual
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Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR | Data Sheet
network and service level faults, early
detection of component and service
degradation, and a highly automated
process of isolating network-induced
errors. The 7750 SR service-aware OAM
tools include service assurance agent
(SAA) tests with scheduling and hard-
ware timestamps, Bidirectional
Forwarding Detection (BFD), service
ping, LSP ping and traceroute, VPLS
ping and traceroute, service mirroring,
virtual circuit connectivity verification,
IEEE 802.1ah, and a suite of multicast
troubleshooting tools. These tools are
integrated into the Alcatel-Lucent
5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM),
which uses a GUI to ensure rapid
fault isolation.
To enable operators to meet lawful
intercept (LI) requirements, the Alcatel-
Lucent 7750 SR LI supports a non-
service-affecting LI that provides an
assurance of confidentiality and security
for the LI administrator, activities and
information. To meet the size and scale
of LI regulatory and customer SLA
requirements, the flexibility of the
7750 SR LI implementation provides
various deployment options. The 7750
SR formally separates the control planes
between the LI agency and the net work
administrator, with completely trans-
parent accounts and operations.
Furthermore, each deployment option
permits the integration of native and
third-party LI interfaces using the 7750
SR LI capability, to minimize churn and
support flexible equipment reuse.
Streamlined network
The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR is fully
managed by the industry-leading
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM, Alcatel-
Lucent 5650 Control Plane Assurance
Manager (CPAM) and the 5670
Reporting and Analysis Manager
(RAM). The 5620 SAM is a single
management platform offering the
unification of element, network and
service management. It gives the
operator a comprehensive fault
management system with which to
perform root cause analysis, schedule
a suite of OAM tests for SLA com pli-
ance, run predefined test suites, set
threshold crossing alerts to detect
potential SLA violations, and simplify
service provisioning with GUI-based
The 5650 CPAM is an IP/MPLS multiven-
dor-compatible control plane manage-
ment solution. It enables operators to
assure network and service availability
against control plane misconfigura-
tions, malfunctions and undetected
routing updates, as well as to acceler-
ate service problems resolution over
an IP/MPLS infrastructure.
The 5670 Reporting and Analysis
Manager (RAM) enables network-wide
application-aware visibility and planning
insight for Triple Play managed online
services. The 5670 RAM collects, ware-
houses and analyzes IP/MPLS traffic
flow data provided by the Alcatel-
Lucent 7750 SR, which is equipped
with AA-ISAs for accurate and timely
decision-support intelligence on sub-
scribers, applications, and IP traffic
flows. Together, the Alcatel-Lucent
7750 SR, the 5620 SAM, 5650 CPAM
and 5670 RAM form the industry’s
most comprehensive unified IP
network resource and service
management solution.
Chassis options
The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR portfolio
enables cost-optimized next-genera-
tion infrastructure build-outs with
three chassis options for a right-sized
solution — SR-12, SR-7 and SR-1 — all
of which offer leading throughput and
density, the ability to mix and match a
wide range of interface types, and the
portability of modules across the
platforms. The 12-slot SR-12 chassis
provides 1 terabit (half duplex) of
throughput, the seven-slot SR-7
delivers 500 Gb/s (half duplex) of
throughput, and the single-slot SR-1
delivers 40 Gb/s (half duplex) of