Samsung EC-NV11ZBBA-US User Manual
Page 5

ƃUsing the LCD monitor to set the
camera ōōōōōōōōōōō26
ƈColor toneōōōōōōōōōō27
ƈSelecting focus type ōōōōō28
ƈFlash ōōōōōōōōōōōō30
ƈSize ōōōōōōōōōōōō31
ƈContinuous shot ōōōōōōō32
ƈMetering ōōōōōōōōōō32
ƈSharpness ōōōōōōōōō33
ƈQuality / Frame rateōōōōōō34
ƈSelf-timer / Remote control ōōō34
ƈVoice recording / Voice memo ō35
ƈExposure compensation ōōōō36
ƈISO ōōōōōōōōōōōō36
ƈWhite balance ōōōōōōōō37
ƈScene menuōōōōōōōōō38
ƈSpecial Effect : Photo Frame ōō38
ƈSpecial Effect : Motion GIF ōōō39
ƈSpecial Effect : Composite shooting ō39
ƈShutter Speed ōōōōōōōō40
ƈAperture Valueōōōōōōōō41
ƈPhoto Gallery modeōōōōōō41
ƃStarting play mode ōōōōōō44
ƈPlaying back a still image ōōō44
ƈPlaying back a movie clip ōōō44
ƈMovie clip capture function ōōō45
ƈOn camera movie trimming ōō45
ƈPlaying back a recorded voice ō45
ƈPlaying back a recorded
voice memo ōōōōōōōōō46
ƃLCD monitor indicator ōōōōō46
ƃUsing the camera buttons to adjust
the camera ōōōōōōōōō47
ƈPlay mode buttonōōōōōōō47
ƈBACK button ōōōōōōōō47
ƈThumbnail / Enlargement button ō47
ƈStarting the slide show ōōōō48
ƈProtecting images ōōōōōō49
ƈDeleting images ōōōōōōō50
ƈDPOF ōōōōōōōōōōō50
ƈDPOF : STANDARD ōōōōō51
ƈDPOF : Print sizeōōōōōōō51
ƈDPOF : Index ōōōōōōōō52
ƈRotating an image ōōōōōō52
ƈResize ōōōōōōōōōōō53
ƈTrimming ōōōōōōōōōō54
ƈMotion GIF ōōōōōōōōō55
ƈRed eye fix ōōōōōōōōō55
ƈPictBridge ōōōōōōōōōō56
ƃSetup menu ōōōōōōōōō58
ƈOSD set ōōōōōōōōōō60
ƈFile name ōōōōōōōōōō60
ƈLanguage ōōōōōōōōōō61
ƈSetting up the Date / Time / Date type ō61
ƈImprinting the recording date ōō61
ƈLCD brightness ōōōōōōō61
ƈAuto Focus lamp ōōōōōōō62
ƈAuto power off ōōōōōōōō62
ƈQuick view ōōōōōōōōō62
ƈStart up image ōōōōōōōō62
ƈSound Volume ōōōōōōōō63
ƈOperation Sound ōōōōōōō63
ƈStart up sound ōōōōōōōō63
ƈShutter sound ōōōōōōōō63
ƈFormatting a memory ōōōōō63
ƈDelete All ōōōōōōōōōō64
ƈCopy To Card ōōōōōōōō64
ƈSelecting Video out type ōōōō65
ƈInitialisation ōōōōōōōōō65
ƃImportant notesōōōōōōōō66
ƃWarning indicator ōōōōōōō67
ƃBefore contacting a service centreō68
ƃSpecifications ōōōōōōōō70
ƃSoftware Notes ōōōōōōōō72
ƃSystem Requirements ōōōōō72
ƃAbout the software ōōōōōō72
ƃSetting up the application software ō73
ƃStarting PC mode ōōōōōōō75
ƃRemoving the removable diskōō77
ƃSetting up the USB Driver for MACō78
ƃUsing the USB Driver for MAC ō78
ƃRemoving the USB Driver for
Windows 98SE ōōōōōōōō78
ƃDigimax Masterōōōōōōōō79
ƃDigimax Biz Reader ōōōōōō81
ƃFAQ ōōōōōōōōōōōō84