Alto-Shaam AR-6G User Manual

Page 15

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AR-6G Rotisserie Operation & Care Manual • 13

I n s t a l l a t I o n

AR-6G Rotisserie Operation & Care Manual • 13

G a s c o n n e c t I o n s

The minimum size of the gas piping or flexible connector

is 3/4" (19mm). For long runs of gas piping, the pipe

diameter must conform to the tables in the National Fuel

Gas Code, ANSI/NFPA Z223.1

A listed gas shut off valve must be installed upstream of

the appliance for shutting off the gas supply while servicing.

This valve should be installed so that it is accessible with the

appliance in the normally installed position.

The appliance is supplied with casters, therefore,

installation must be made with a flexible connector that

complies with the Standard for Connectors for Movable

Gas Appliances, ANSI Z21.69; or in Canada, Connectors

for Movable Gas Appliances, CAN/CGA-6.16-M87. When

using a flexible connector, a quick disconnect device must

also be used that complies with the Standard for Quick-

Disconnect Devices for Gas Fuels, ANSI Z21.41;

or in Canada, Quick Disconnect Devices for Use with

Gas Fuels, CAN1-6.9.

When a quick disconnect device and flexible connector are

used, a restraining device must be installed to limit the

movement of the appliance in order to prevent damage to

the connector or quick disconnect. An example of such a

system uses 2000 pound test stainless steel cable attached

to a structural member of the kitchen wall behind the

unit. The attachment means must include a quick connect

snap that can be disconnected when the appliance must

be moved away from the wall. The other end of the cable

should be permanently attached to the rear frame of the

appliance. The cable should be of sufficient length so that

no strain is ever placed upon the flexible gas connector

if the appliance is accidentally moved without initially

disconnecting the gas connector.



The flexible connector should be routed to form a

downward “U” loop between the building gas supply and

the permanent attachment at the rear of the oven.

The routing of the flexible connector must not be made

under the oven. Oven temperatures achieved during

operation are too hot for safe operation. Gas piping should

be installed from the point of gas connection at the bottom,

front of the oven to the back of the oven where the flexible

connector may be safely used. See the illustration for the

recommended placement.

W a r n I n G

Gas pIpInG mUst neVer
be InstalleD to rUn
UnDer the bUrner


s e c U r I n G e l e c t r I c a l a c c e s s c o V e r

After gas pressure has been set and leak testing performed,

the electrical access cover located under the drip tray inside

the unit must be sealed with a High-Temperature NSF

Approved RTV adhesive prior to cooking in the unit.

Secure the electrical access panel by applying the High-

Temperature NSF Approved RTV adhesive to each of

the 14 bolts (provided with unit) and tighten down. Next

run a bead of the High-Temperature NSF Approved RTV

adhesive around the electrical access panel and smooth in

place. Wipe excess RTV adhesive off.