5 numrecords, 6 dataformat, 3 argosdatarepeat – Campbell Scientific ST-20 Argos Satellite Transmitter User Manual

Page 9: 1 result code, 2 repetition rate, 3 number repeats, 4 buffer number

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ST-20 Argos Satellite Transmitter

2.2.5 NumRecords

NumRecords is the number of data records that will be copied from the data
table to the Argos PTT. Care should be taken to make sure the total amount of
data does not exceed what the buffer can hold, 32 bytes for a 20 bit ID number
and 31 bytes for a 28 bit ID number. See DataFormat (section 2.2.6) for details
on regarding memory usage.

2.2.6 DataFormat

There are two data formats. Enter “FP2” to use the Campbell Scientific two
byte, floating decimal point format. To use FP2, the data table (section 2.2.4)
must store data as type FP2. Each data value will use two bytes of memory.
Enter “nnn.nnn.nnn…” to use the integer format, where nnn is an integer that
specifies the total number of bits to be used for each data value. As an
example: “5,8,16,8,3” would use 5 bytes or 40 bits for five data values. The
first data value would have 5 bits of resolution, then 8 for the next, then 16 for
the third and so forth. With the integer format, data must be stored in the data
table as type Long.

When using integer format with bits/data point designator, each data point in
the data record needs to be accounted for in the DataFormat field, or the
datalogger will assume 2 bytes (16 bits) for each unaccounted for data point.

2.3 ArgosDataRepeat

Dim BufferNumber(8) as Boolean
ArgosDataRepeat(Result Code, Repetition Rate, Number Repeats,

2.3.1 Result Code

The Result Code is a numeric variable that is set true (-1) when the
ArgosDataRepeat instruction is successful.

2.3.2 Repetition Rate

The Repetition Rate will set the time between each repetition. A negative
number will cause the default repetition rate to be used. Using a value between
0 and 255 will set the repetition rate to the new value plus 42 seconds. The
ST-20 adds 42 seconds to the repeat rate with the maximum being 297.

2.3.3 Number Repeats

Number Repeats is how many times the transmission will be repeated. Valid 0
to 255.

2.3.4 Buffer Number

BufferNumber() is an eight element array of Boolean. Each element of
BufferNumber corresponds to the same buffer number -1 in the ST-20. Set the
corresponding element to true to use a buffer, or false to not use the buffer.
Data can be in a buffer that is set to false.