1 result code, 2 buffer number, 3 decimal id number – Campbell Scientific ST-20 Argos Satellite Transmitter User Manual

Page 8: 4 frequency, 2 argosdata, 1 general description, 2 resultcode, 3 st20buffer, 4 datatable

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ST-20 Argos Satellite Transmitter

2.1.1 Result Code

Result Code used to determine if command executed successfully. The Result
Code is set true on success, and false on failure.

2.1.2 Buffer Number

Buffer Number is the ST-20 buffer to setup. Valid entries are 0 through 6.

2.1.3 Decimal ID Number

The Decimal ID number, and Hexadecimal ID are assigned to the Buffer
Number. Entries must be valid ID numbers or ArgosSetup will return False.
The decimal ID is not a different representation of the same number as the
Hexadecimal ID. The two ID numbers are different.

2.1.4 Frequency

Frequency to be assigned to the Buffer Number. Frequency is in Hertz. Valid
entries: 401630000 to 401656000 in steps of 2000 Hz and 401676000,
401678000, and 401680000 Hz.

2.2 ArgosData

ArgosData (ResultCode, ST20Buffer, DataTable, NumRecords, DataFormat)

2.2.1 General Description

The ArgosData instruction is used to load data to one of the 7 available data
buffers. The data buffers are numbered 0 through 7, with number 7 being
reserved for the ST-20 internal temperature. When ArgosData is executed, any
data already in the associated buffer is erased before new data is loaded. If the
Argos ID number associated with the buffer is a 20 bit ID number, up to 32
bytes of data can be loaded. If the associated ID number is a 28 bit ID, then
only 31 bytes can be loaded. Extra bytes are discarded. The ArgosData
instruction does not enable data transmission. To enable data transmission, the
ArgosDataRepeat, or ArgosTransmit instruction must be used.

2.2.2 ResultCode

The Result Code is a numeric variable used to store the result of the ArgosData
instruction. If the result code is true (-1), ArgosData executed successfully.

2.2.3 ST20Buffer

The ST20Buffer is the number of the buffer where data should be loaded.
Valid buffer numbers are 0 through 6.

2.2.4 DataTable

DataTable is the name of the data table where data records will be read from.