4 how to install sdk controls on a computer, 1 how to register sdk controls on a pc, 2 how to access sdk controls in visual basic 6.0 – Campbell Scientific Software Development Kit Beginner's Guide User Manual
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Section 3. LoggerNet Server SDK
environment. Examples are included for the Visual Basic 6.0, Visual C++ 8.0
MFC and Delphi 6.0 development environments.
3.4 How to Install SDK Controls on a Computer
SDK controls are ActiveX DLLs (Dynamically Linked Libraries). DLLs
contain code written in one of several computer languages (e.g., Visual C++
MFC in this case). DLLs are dynamically linked, meaning they are stored
separately from the main application and accessed by the main application
whenever needed.
3.4.1 How to Register SDK Controls on a PC
You will find six DLLs in the SDK: CsiBrokerMap.dll, CsiDatalogger.dll,
CsiIDataSource.dll, CsiCoraScript.dll, CsiLogMonitor.dll, and CsiServer.dll,
each corresponding to the SDK control bearing the same name as listed in
Table 3-1. The SDK also includes the LoggerNet server DLL,
CORALIB3.DLL, which doesn’t need to be registered but needs to reside in
the folder containing your created application, the declared PATH
environmental variable, or in the Windows system folder.
3.4.2 How to Access SDK Controls in Visual Basic 6.0
1. Start the Visual Basic environment (Windows | Start | Microsoft Visual
Basic 6.0 | Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0).
2. File | New Project | Standard.EXE Æ Opens a form.
3. VB Main Menu | Project | Components. Select the CSI SDK controls as
shown and click OK.