Rtmc webserver options – Campbell Scientific RTMC Web Server User Manual

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RTMC WebServer

When running RTMC WebServer with RTDAQ, you must be
connected to your datalogger and actively polling a table for new
data to be displayed in RTMC WebServer. This means you must
have data from the table displayed in a real-time window (field
monitor, table monitor, graph, etc.) with the Start button pressed.


3. RTMC WebServer Options

The following options can be set for the RTMC WebServer.

RTMC Project File: The RTMC project file you want displayed to users on
the Internet.

Auto reload: This option allows the RTMC WebServer to monitor the RTMC
Project File for changes and automatically reload it if the file changes. This is
convenient when the RTMC Project file is under development and you want to
preview the file in browser.

Update Interval: The RTMC WebServer will create new images to be
displayed on the Internet based on this interval. This interval is also used by
the browser to determine how often to refresh the view of the web page.

HTTP Port: Web browsers use port 80 by default when connecting to a web
server. However, only one web server can be using a specific port. So if you
are trying to run more than one web server, you will need to specify different
ports for each of them. If you are running your web server on a port other than
port 80, you will need to specify the port number in the URL in order to view
web pages from the web server. For example,

would try to connect to the web server using port 81 instead of the default web
server on port 80.

Hide Tabbed Page Headings: This option hides the tabs at the top of the page
which allow you to navigate between screens. You may wish to do this if your
project has only one screen or if you use hotspots to navigate between screens.

Show Data Browse Tab: Checking this option will display a “Data Browser”
tab at the top of each web page generated by the RTMC WebServer. This
Hyperlink will allow anyone to view all of the stations and tables in your
LoggerNet or RTDAQ network map and display the newest record for each
table. (In RTDAQ, you will only see data for tables of the connected

Show Network Status Tab: Checking this option will display a “Network
Status” tab at the top of each web page generated by the web server. This
Hyperlink will allow anyone to view the status of your LoggerNet or RTDAQ

Disable TableDisplay Auto Page Refresh: TableDisplay components are
displayed as image maps and can be clicked on from within your RTMC
Screen Displays. Often this will result in a large HTML table of data being
generated. This option allows you to browse the data without the page being
refreshed causing you to lose your position on the page.