A.1 hyperterminal setup – Campbell Scientific Redwing100 CDMA Cellular Digital Modem User Manual

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Appendix A. Configuring Modem with a
Terminal Emulator

Programming the modem with a terminal emulator is not
recommended. Please first attempt programming with the
CellWizard.exe program available from Campbell Scientific, Inc.

Items needed:

• Computer with a COM port.

• 9-pin cable to connect between the computer and the Redwing.

• A terminal program on the computer “HyperTerminal”.

• 12 volt DC applied to the Redwing.

• Antenna on the Redwing (for over-the-air updates).

• CDMA account.

A.1 HyperTerminal Setup

Under “Connect using”, select the COM port you will be using.

Set COM Properties to:

Bits per second (baud) = 115200

Data bits = 8

Parity = None

Stop bits = 1

Flow control = None