1 step 1 – configure datalogger, 2 step 2 – access file system, 2 ftp client – Campbell Scientific NL120 Ethernet Module User Manual

Page 16: Step 1 – configure datalogger, Step 2 – access file system, Ftp client

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NL120 Ethernet Module

In order to use FTP, the datalogger’s FTP User Name and FTP Password must

be set. This is done using Device Configuration Utility. Step 1 – Configure Datalogger

a. Connect serial cable from PC COM port to datalogger RS-232 port.

b. Open Campbell Scientific’s Device Configuration Utility. Select the

device type of the datalogger (CR1000 or CR3000), the appropriate Serial

Port, and baud rate. Connect to the datalogger.

c. Under the Net Services tab, verify that FTP Enabled is checked. Input the

FTP User Name and FTP Password.

d. Press the Apply button to save the changes and then close the Device

Configuration Utility.

Using “anonymous” as the user name with no password allows

FTP access without inputting a user name or password. Step 2 – Access File System

a. Datalogger must be set up for Ethernet communications as explained in

Sections 4.1, Physical Set-up, and 4.2, Communicating via Ethernet (Step

1 only).

b. Open a Windows Explorer window. Enter

ftp://username:[email protected] where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the

IP address of the datalogger.

If the user name is “anonymous” with no password, enter

ftp://nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the IP address of

the datalogger.

6.3.2 FTP Client

The datalogger can also act as an FTP Client to send a file to or get a file from

an FTP Server (for example, another datalogger or web camera). This is done

using the

FTPClient() instruction. The following program is an example of


FTPClient() to send a file to another datalogger and get a file from that

datalogger. The first parameter in the instruction is the FTP Server’s IP

address. The second parameter is the FTP username. The third parameter is

the FTP password. The fourth parameter is the local filename. The fifth

parameter is the remote file name. The final parameter is the put/get option: 0

for put and 1 for get. The instruction returns –1 if the instruction was

successful and 0 if it was not.