Campbell Scientific CSM1 Card Storage Module User Manual
Page 29

Appendix D. Telecommunications Commands
Makes the CSM1 store any subsequent data sent to the CSM1 in
the card. The CSM1 sends a carriage return, linefeed and '<'
prompt when it is ready to receive the data. This mode can only
be terminated by resetting the module, e.g. removing power or
dropping the handshaking lines to the SC532(A).
Moves the dump pointer to the current display pointer position,
then displays the status line.
Moves the display pointer to the current position of the dump
pointer, then displays the status line.
Full reset
and test
This resets all pointers and tests all the RAM in the card. All
stored data and programs in the card are erased. The memory
test can take a while as it is extremely thorough. There are three
phases to the test. The memory is tested in 16 kbyte pages. First,
pseudo random data is written to the card and a series of '+'
symbols is displayed as each page is written to. The data written
is then verified, page by page. A '-' symbol is displayed for each
page of good memory. At the same time further test data is
written into the card. On a new line the result of a validation
check is shown, again showing good pages as '-'. Another test
pattern is loaded into the card at this stage. Finally this is
validated on the third line and the memory erased at the same
time. The status line is then returned. If at any stage an 'x'
appears, this indicates a page of memory has failed the test.
Please contact Campbell Scientific for further advice if a failure
This command is similar to the 1248K command — it also
erases all memory and programs. However, it does not do a
complete memory test, it simply resets the reserved memory and
the pointers, which effectively erases the memory. This is much
faster than the 1248K command and is designed for routine
erasure of the card. Do not use this instruction if the memory
card has been corrupted or battery power lost as without doing a
full memory test the CSM1 is unable to accurately determine
how much good memory the card has — you should use the
1248K command instead. If this command is used by mistake,
and no further data is stored in the card, it may be possible to
recover old data from the card; please contact Campbell
Scientific for further details.
Checks and reports the checksum signature of the CSM1 PROM.
If the signature is incorrect a zero is returned otherwise the
PROM signature is returned. The status line is returned after this