2 21x/cr7 – Campbell Scientific CSM1 Card Storage Module User Manual

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CSM1 Card Storage Module


an address of 1). For Instruction 96 it is also possible to write a filemark into
the memory card, to effectively close an open file, by pressing 'C' after the
address (displayed as '71--').

The CSM1 also supports data storage at 76800 baud, when output from the
CR10 with the Burst Mode instruction. To do this specify the output code for
'Serial port, 76800 baud to SM192/716 Storage Module' (see CR10 manual for
further details).

The CSM1 does not support the *9 commands with the CR10.

4.2 21X/CR7

If your 21X/CR7 has a version of OSX/OS7 software respectively you should
store data by including Instruction 96 after the data storage instructions, with
the device code 30 as the first and only parameter of Instruction 96.

With OSX/OS7 software the datalogger checks for the presence of the module
before outputting data. If the module is not connected the datalogger does not
output data but remembers which data has dumped to the module. Thus you
can leave a datalogger without a module connected and collect the data at a
later date, without touching the keyboard, as outlined above for the CR10.

Manual dumps of data to the module are done using the *9 Mode, entering 30
for the device code. Both *9 and Instruction 96 can also be used to write a
filemark into the card by specifying a device code of 31.

If you do not have OSX/OS7 software we recommend you consider upgrading
your datalogger software. However, it is still possible to store data to the card
as follows:

4.2.1 21X With ESX Software and CR7 With ‘700X’ Control Module

Use Instruction 96 to store data in binary format at 9600 baud, i.e. device code
22. Do not use the *4 Mode to enable printer output.

The operating system treats the module as a printer and
does not check to see whether it is connected. Therefore if
the CSM1 is not connected data can be lost.

Manual dumps can only be done at 9600 baud, in ASCII format, using the *9
Mode (see below).

4.2.2 21X Without Extended Software and CR7 With ‘700’ Control Module

Output must be enabled using the *4 Mode to enable output at 9600 baud to
the printer. Data is transferred and stored in the module in printable ASCII
format. The CSM1 makes no attempt at encoding the data, so each data value
occupies approximately 10 bytes (five locations) of memory in the card, as
opposed to two bytes (one location) for low resolution data in binary format.