Campbell Scientific CD294 DataView Dual Line Data Display User Manual
Page 9

DataView (CD294) Dual Line Data Display
The information in this screen has been cleared as there has been no data
entered for this screen. The Previous button has now been enabled so that you
can go back, but the Next button has been disabled as this is the last screen
(data needs to be entered for this screen before another new screen can be
created). To select an Input Location, select the down arrow underneath the
LCD screen number.
FIGURE 8. Input Location List
This will display the list of available input locations. Use the scroll bar on the
side to move down the list. Click on the desired location to close the pull-
down list. Once a location has been selected you can enter the appropriate
description and units. The completed screen is shown in FIGURE 9.
FIGURE 9. Completed Screen
Continue to add screens until you have selected all the desired locations. The
screen shown in FIGURE 10 is used to complete the example. If 20 screens
have been entered, the Next button will not be enabled and so no further
screens can be added. If you want to change the information contained on any
of the screens, simply go back to the desired screen number and change the
location displayed and the description and units text.
FIGURE 10. Final Screen