Installing on linux (kernel 2.6 and newer) – Kinivo WID380 300 Mbps Enhanced USB Wireless Network Adapter User Manual

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WID380 300 Mbps Wireless Enhanced USB Adapter


7. After the computer has restarted, insert the WID380 Wireless adapter and the Wireless Utility will automatically open

and scan for nearby wireless networks.

4. Installing on Linux (Kernel 2.6 and newer)

Please note that these instructions may need to be modified for some Linux distributions.

1. Insert the Kinivo Software CD and open a terminal if not already opened. Alternatively, you can download the drivers


2. Untar the linux drivers to the home directory.

tar -xvf /media/cdrom/Linux/2011_0719_RT3070_RT3370_RT5370_RT5372_Linux_STA_V2.5.0.3_DPO.bz2

3. Change to the install directory.

cd ~/2011_0719_RT3070_RT3370_RT5370_RT5372_Linux_STA_V2.5.0.3_DPO

4. Make the file with root access. Please note, if this does not work, you may have to edit the Makefile based on your


sudo make

5. Install the drivers using the following command

sudo make install

6. Reboot your computer.

sudo shutdown -r now

7. After the computer has restarted, the driver installation is complete.