iPazzPort KP-810-10 User Manual

Page 7

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Windows 2000

Windows XP

Windows Vista, Windows CE, Windows 7

Linux(Debian-3.1, Redhat-9.0,Ubuntu-8.10 Fedora-7.0 tested)

Ma intenance

Do not attemp t to di sassemb le the de vice or re place rechargeable ba ttery. Do ing so

wi ll void the wa rranty.

Th e ba ttery wi ll discharge if stored for a long pe riod of t ime wi thout usage.

Us e the sp ecified ch arger. Di sconnect the de vice af ter the ba ttery ha s been fully

ch arged. Ov ercharging the ba ttery wi ll shorten the life of t he ba ttery.

Do no t expose the de ice in the ex treme heat or cold. Ex treme temp erature wi ll cause

the life sp an of t he ba ttery to sh orten.

Us e on ly a da mp cloth wi th mi ld so ap to cl ean the de vice. Solvents and ot her

cl eaning ag ents ma y ca use da ma ge to the de vice.