iPazzPort KP-810-10 User Manual
Page 3

Medcal implant devices
All wireless devices may be subject to interference, thus affecting the
performance of this product.
Only use factory specified parts.Please use supplied travel charging cable.The
use of other charging devices ma y be dangerous.
Do not po int the las er be am on human or an imal ey es di rec tly to avo id dama ge to th e eye
This is a wond erful com bo,2.4G Hz Wireless mini QWERTY keyb oard,T ouch Pad and
presenter com bo,w ith USB int erface recei ver.
This produc t consist s not only of norm al wireless keyb oard keys,but also of mult imedia
control keys and PC gam ing control keys.It has built -in program mable smart touch pad-the
world' s first Touch pad which can be used in horizontal and verti cal direct ions. It has pow er
indicat or,RFsignal indicat or,CA PLOCK
light, low -volt age indicat or and keyp ad backlight to faci litat e the use in dark environm ents. In
additi on,i t also has a built -in pointer