On the Edge Marketing Soccer Table #900355 User Manual
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Table soccer is also called “foosball.” It can be played by two teams of four players each or by two
The Object of the Game
To be the first team (or player) to score a predetermined number of points or to score the most
points in given amount of time.
The server rolls the ball through the serving hole to start the game, after a point is scored, or after
a ball leaves the table. The server can spin the ball to influence the serve, but the ball must be
struck by one of the serving team’s (or server’s) player figures. Once the ball is in play, it remains
in play until it is hit off the table, a dead ball is declared, time out is called, or a point is scored.
If a ball is pinned on the 5-man rod, it cannot be passed to the 3-man rod of the same team without
touching at least two player figures as it is being passed.
When a ball enters the opposing team’s goal, a point is scored. If the ball enters the goal, but
bounces back onto the playing surface or leaves the table, it still counts as a goal.
Spinning Rods
Spinning the rods is illegal.
Ball Off the Table
If the ball leaves the playing surface and strikes any object that is not part of the table, it is de-
clared “off the table” and should be put back into play by a serve from the team (or player) that
originally served that ball. If the ball rolls into the serving cup and then returns to the playing
surface, it is still considered “in play.”
Dead Ball
If a ball has completely stopped its motion and cannot be reached by any player figure, it is de-
clared a “dead ball.” If the ball is declared dead between the goal and the 2-man rod, it should be
put back into play by placing it in nearest corner and releasing it. If the ball is declared dead any-
where else on the playing surface, it should be put back into play by a serve from the team that
originally served the ball. If a ball is spinning in place, it is not considered a dead ball.