Getsessionid, Getksn – MagTek Audio Reader User Manual

Page 15

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be retrieved and set with the device serial number property explained in the property section of
this document. This field is stored in non-volatile memory, so it will persist when the unit is
power cycled.

- (


*) getDeviceSerial


Return Value

Return stored device serial number.


Not Supported on Audio Reader. This 8-byte Binary field contains the encrypted version of the
current Session ID. Its primary purpose is to prevent replays. After a card is read, this property
will be encrypted, along with the card data, and supplied as part of the transaction message. The
clear text version of this will never be transmitted. To avoid replay, the application sets the
Session ID property before a transaction and verifies that the Encrypted Session ID returned with
card data decrypts to the value set.

- (


*) getSessionID


Return Value

Empty String


Retrieve key serial number. This 10-byte Binary field contains the DUKPT Key Serial Number
used to encrypt the encrypted fields in this message. This 80-bit field includes the Initial Key
Serial Number in the leftmost 59 bits and a value for the Encryption Counter in the rightmost 21
bits. If no keys are loaded, all bytes will have the value 0x00.

- (


*) getKSN


Return Value

Return stored key serial number.