Make a sale on your mobile device, Connect your udynamo, Download and sign in – MagTek Audio Jack User Manual
Page 2

Using the included Micro-USB cable (Micro-B), connect the uDynamo to
a host USB port on your computer or mobile phone/tablet. Then launch
QwickPAY. The device is now connected and ready to use.
Charge the battery by connecting the device to a USB host interface.
Ensure it is recharging.
(The uDynamo is powered by rechargeable internal lithium-ion batteries. The uDynamo can process up to 300 swipes
on a single battery charge. If the reader is left on awaiting a card swipe, the battery will deplete in 3.5 hours. Recharging
can take up to 6 hours.)
Steady Green
Fully Charged State
Ready for a card swipe.
Waiting for authentication.
Blinking Green
While the reader is authenticated, no charging or battery level
information is indicated.
Steady Red
After an authentication failure, the LED remains red until a
power cycle or successful authentication.
No charging or battery level information is indicated.
Blinking Green
and Amber
Charging in Healthy
Battery State
The reader is in the Healthy State when the battery voltage is in
between the Fully Charged State and the Low Battery State.
Blinking Short Red
and Long Green
Reader in Low Battery
The read is fully operational. Recommend charging the reader
until the battery reaches the Healthy State.
Fast Blinking
Reader is in Critically
Low Battery State
Card swipe disabled. Stop using the reader. If the reader is con-
nected to a mobile device, disconnect it before charging.
Solid Amber
Charging in Critically
Low Battery State
Card swipes and most commands are unavailable. Allow the reader
to charge to at least the Low Battery State before using again.
Select Transaction Type
Starting from QwickPAY’s main transaction screen,
touch the TRANS.SWIPE (Android) or TRANS.SALE
(iOS) button in the upper left corner. Select SALE-
to accept a payment card.
1. Swipe the Card
Swipe the payment card through the uDynamo
(magstripe facing down). The card data is masked so
that full card data is never displayed. The customer
name and account automatically appear from the card
swipe. You can tap DETAILS to add information to your
customer contact (including e-mail and address).
QwickPAY Lite allows you to take hand-keyed card data.
Hand keyed transactions are expensive, less
secure and more likely to result in chargebacks. If you must
hand key a transaction, you should also take an imprint
of the card and obtain a wet ink signature in case of a
chargeback dispute. When you swipe a card, the full version
of QwickPAY “the Safest Way” is a better choice for you.
2. Enter the Details
Enter the CVV2/CVC2 and a ZIP CODE to better
validate the card (optional).
Enter the dollar amount, tax and tip (these are
automatically calculated, but can be changed by
pressing the blue arrow button).
Take a picture using the camera function to include a
photo of the customer or the goods being purchased
Submit the Sale
Press the SUBMIT button when you are ready to
process the sale.
Transaction Authorization & Authentication
The transaction is sent to the QwickPAY Payment
Protection Gateway and a response will appear
almost immediately.
(An error alert will appear if the card could not be properly
authenticated due to a poor MagnePrint® score.)
Press ADD TO CONTACTS to save the customer
details (optional).
3. Obtain Signature
Customers may sign the receipt with their finger or
use an optional stylus. Press DONE to automatically
open an e-mail message.
4. Send Receipt
Send your custom receipt via e-mail to the customer.
The e-mail will automatically contain the receipt,
your merchant e-mail address (CC’d) and the subject
header containing the receipt number.
Tap Send to send the e-mail now.
Android screen
simulations shown.
Card transactions may be performed using either the audio
jack or USB interface while the uDynamo is charging.
When using the uDynamo’s audio jack connection, make certain
to set up QwickPAY to communicate with the audio device. Plug the
uDynamo into the audio jack. Then launch QwickPAY and tap on
. Then tap on QWICKPAY SETTINGS. Select the uDynamo
device (‘On’). Then press the DONE button. Updating SETTINGS will
1. The volume of the device will be automatically turned
up to max when the uDynamo is plugged in. (If you
have a physical mute button on your device, QwickPAY
cannot automatically detect this and you will need to
turn mute OFF.);
2. Turn the device ON and OFF automatically, to save on
battery usage. (QwickPAY will turn on automatically
only while you are on a transaction swipe screen and
power off as soon as you go to another screen in order
to decrease the frequency of recharging.)
The device is now connected and ready to use.
Protect the uDynamo’s audio jack by folding it in when not in use.
Make a Sale on Your Mobile Device
Download the QwickPAY application for free from the App Store or Google Play.
Launch the mobile App and tap on MENU and then MERCHANT INFO> and enter your QwickPAY Merchant ID, QwickPAY Merchant
Password (reenter for confirmation) and enter the e-mail you wish to be associated with your credit card transactions.
Download and Sign in
Connect your uDynamo