Asus T2-AE1 User Manual
Page 91

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A S U S T 2 - A E 1
A S U S T 2 - A E 1
A S U S T 2 - A E 1
A S U S T 2 - A E 1
A S U S T 2 - A E 1
The following item appears when the I n s t a n t M u s i c
I n s t a n t M u s i c
I n s t a n t M u s i c
I n s t a n t M u s i c
I n s t a n t M u s i c item is set to
Instant Music CD-ROM drive [IDE Primary Slave]
Instant Music CD-ROM drive [IDE Primary Slave]
Instant Music CD-ROM drive [IDE Primary Slave]
Instant Music CD-ROM drive [IDE Primary Slave]
Instant Music CD-ROM drive [IDE Primary Slave]
Allows you to configure the Instant Music CD-ROM selection.
Configuration options: [IDE Primary Master] [IDE Primary Slave]
Instant Music Configuration
Instant Music Configuration
Instant Music Configuration
Instant Music Configuration
Instant Music Configuration
Instant Music [Disabled]
Instant Music [Disabled]
Instant Music [Disabled]
Instant Music [Disabled]
Instant Music [Disabled]
Enables or disables the Instant Music feature. Setting this item to [Enabled]
disables the power up by PS/2 keyboard function.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Instant Music Option
Instant Music
If enabled, power up
by PS/2 keyboard will
be disabled.