Hot Max Torches HM6500 User Manual
Page 3

12. Stay alert. Watch what you are doing and
use common sense when operating a gen-
erator. Do not use a generator while tired
or under the influence of drug, alcohol or
medication. A moment of inattention
while operating the generator may result
in serious personal injury or death.
13. Always store the generator in a well ven-
tilated area with the fuel tank empty. Fol-
low the instructions in this manual for
preparing to store a generator. Never
store fuel near the generator.
14. Never operate a generator if any of the
following conditions are present.
a. Uncontrolled change in engine speed.
b. Sparking.
c. Overheating of connected equipment.
d. Electrical output loss.
e. Damage to receptacles.
f. Engine misfire.
g. Excessive vibration.
h. Flame or smoke.
i. An enclosed compartment.
j. Rain or inclement weather. The units
should never be allowed to get wet.
15. Check the unit before each use for signs
of deterioration such as worn or porous
hose, loose or missing clamps, a dam-
aged tank or cap. Replace all defective
parts before operating the generator.
16. The generator should be operated, ser-
viced and/or refueled under the following
conditions only.
a. Start and run the generator out-
doors. Never run a generator in an
enclosed area even if the windows
and doors are opened. Avoid areas
where exhaust vapors can be
exhaust contains carbon monoxide,
a poisonous, odorless, invisible gas
which, if breathed, may cause death
or personal injury.
KDAR Company
Good ventilation for cooling. The
generator is air cooled and re-
quires appropriate air flow. Tem-
peratures should not exceed 104°
F ambient.
Refuel the generator in a well ven-
tilated area with sufficient light.
Allow the engine to cool for 3-4
minutes before refueling. Avoid
spills and never refuel while the
generator is running.
d. Never refuel the generator near
open flames, sparking electrical
equipment or pilot lights.
e. Never start or run the generator
without the muffler and air filter
installed and in good condition as
they work as flame arresters in
case of backfires.
f. Never smoke near the generator.
17. Properly ground the generator as in-
structed in this manual prior to use.
18. Do not wear lose clothing or jewelry
that could get caught in the starter or
other moving parts.
19. The generator must be at operating
speed prior to connecting electrical
20. Always disconnect electrical loads be-
fore shutting down the generator.
21. Never let the generator run out of fuel
while under electrical load as this may
cause an electrical surge that could dam-
age equipment.
22. A power line conditioner should be used
when powering solid state equipment or
appliances such as a television.
23. Never insert anything through the venti-
lation slots, this could cause damage to
the generator or personal injury.
24. Drain fuel before transporting the gener-
25. Generators are heavy, use proper lifting