Starztruck automatic pool cleaner service tips – AquaStar Starztruck Automatic Suction Pool Cleaner User Manual

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starztruck automatic pool cleaner service tips


Front flap

Lower body assembly

Captive screw

“B” screws

“C” screws

“A” screws

Fig. 16

starztruck automatic pool cleaner bumper replacement

Replacement of the StarzTruck automatic pool cleaner bumper is not recommended as a “do it yourself”
repair, because there is a slight possibility that the replacement might cause a problem in the propulsion
system. We strongly suggest that you consult your dealer for this repair.

A #2 phillips screwdriver is necessary for this repair.

1. Turn off pump.

2. Remove StarzTruck automatic pool cleaner from pool.

3. Disconnect StarzTruck automatic pool cleaner from leader hose.

4. Turn StarzTruck automatic pool cleaner upside down and place it in a position that is steady/firm.

5. Locate and loosen the captive screw behind the throat in the center of the bottom (see Figs. 16, 17 & 18).

6. Lift the bottom opening (see Figs. 17 & 18)

7. Remove four “A” screws (see Fig. 16).

8. Lift the lower body assembly off the StarzTruck automatic pool cleaner (see Fig. 16).

9. Remove four “B” screws (see Fig. 16).

10. Remove bumper carefully, making sure that other cleaner parts are not moved or disturbed.

11. Remove two “C” screws (see Fig. 16).

12. Replace bumper, again making sure that other cleaner parts are not moved or disturbed.

13. Reinstall screws and parts, following steps in reverse – 11, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3.

14. Reinstall StarzTruck automatic pool cleaner in pool per installation instructions.