Dake Elecdraulic - 905 series User Manual

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Model 5-025, 5-050, 5-075 & 5-150



: Be sure ALL table pins are in place an in as far as they can go before

pressure is applied. Be sure to slack off on the cable before pressure is applied.

3. The handle on the left side of the workhead (item 67) opens and closes the ball valve, which

releases pressure on the ram. This valve should be kept firmly closed and open only when it is

desired to return the ram to its up position.

4. The two table plates (items 6) and two V-blocks (item 7) are used for supporting the work in


5. The control handle (items 86 & 91) on the right side of the panel regulates the speed of ram travel.

The handle will return to the off position when released. It is not necessary to stop motor after each


6. The relief valve (item 79) has been set at factory to open at maximum tonnage of press. The valve

can be adjusted by removing hex nut located on top of the valve block at the right front of reservoir

and turning the adjusting screw to the left for a lower setting.

WARNING: Never exceed rated tonnage of press


CAUTION: When disconnecting any parts of this machine be extremely careful that all parts are

clean to prevent entrance of dirt in the hydraulic system.

1. If press looses pressure:

a. Check all tubing joints for leaks and tighten the tube nuts.

b. Leakage past release valve (Item 67). Drain the reservoir, and remove packing nut (Item 75),

valve rod (Item No 64), and ball valve (Item No 63). Clean out valve seat and reseat ball valve

using brass rod as a drift striking sharply with a hammer. Reassemble valve rod, packing and

packing nut. Refill reservoir with appropriate oil amount.

c. Leakage past eductor inlet check ball (Item No. 60). Drain reservoir, remove large pipe plug

(Item No. 62), valve seat (Item No. 61), and check ball (Item No. 60). Clean and inspect seat.

Reseat ball on seat or replace seat with a new one if necessary. Reassemble with ball above

the seat tightening plugs securely.

d. Worn cup leather (Serial No < 192522) or T-ring seal (Serial No > 192523). If none of the

previous conditions seem to have been the cause of the trouble, the cup leather or T-ring seal

may be worn out or damaged. To inspect this it is necessary to drain the oil and remove the

workhead from the press frame. Remove tube assembly (Item No. 123). Set 2 4x4 blocks on

the table then raise table channels with the block up to the bottom of the reservoir applying

pressure to the reservoir. Remove roller brackets from the reservoir and lower workhead using

the table.

WARNING: Be sure that stroke indicator rod support (item 52) is installed in the side

of the piston. If not, Insert ½”-13 stud or capscrew in tapped hole in piston. This will

hold the piston down under spring pressure. Next remove nuts from cylinder flange and lift

cylinder off piston. The piston leather or T-ring seal can now be inspected and replaced if

necessary. Press may be reassembled in reverse order being careful not to damage the lip of

the leather cup or T-ring seal as it enters the cylinder.

2. If press will not develop rated tonnage.

a. Dirt under valve balls. Refer to MAINTENANCE 1 – c above.

b. Worn cup leather. Refer to MAINTENANCE 1 – d above.

c. Relief valve not set properly. This valve is located on the top side near the right end of the

control block at the front of the reservoir. The valve is set at the factory to bypass oil from the

pump back to the reservoir when the press reaches its rated capacity. The load on the spring

(Item 75), which governs the pressure at which the valve will bypass oil, is adjusted by turning

the screw (Item 79) in to increase pressure or out to decrease pressure. Replace seal (Item

74) and cap nut (Item 78). NOTE: We advise that the relief valve not be tampered with

after it is set at the capacity of the press.