Dake Elecdraulic - 905 series User Manual

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Model 5-025, 5-050, 5-075 & 5-150



Models 50-101

¾ GPM Hydraulic Pump

Variable volume – stem control



This unit is a five-piston axial type piston pump designed for heavy-duty industrial application up to

6000 psi continuous and 8000 psi intermittent. The pump should be coupled directly to the driving

source and can be rotated in either direction.



A. Stem control – with control stem out (spring return), output delivery is zero gpm – pushing in on

control stem increases pump delivery from zero to maximum gpm.

B. Knob control – With control knob adjusted out (counter-clockwise rotation), output delivery is

zero gpm – turning control knob clockwise increases pump delivery from zero to maximum gpm.

C. Pressure compensated – Circuit operating pressure is controlled by setting of compensator

valve mounted on pump. Turning adjusting knob clockwise increases circuit pressure, counter-

clockwise decreases circuit pressure. Output delivery of pump at zero circuit pressure is

maximum gpm – when circuit pressure reaches the setting of compensator valve, pump output

automatically decreases to supply the exact flow rate required by the system.



A. Rotation – Pump shaft rotation can be in either direction.

B. Shaft alignment and pump mounting – The alignment of the pump and motor is critical, having a

direct relation to pump bearing and shaft seal life as well as coupling life. A flexible coupling

should always be used.

C. Fluid connections – Pressure and intake line piping should correspond to port sizes to keep fluid

velocities in an n acceptable range. Do no bush down to smaller sizes.

D. Safety valves – The high-pressure line must have a relief valve close to the high-pressure outlet

to prevent damage to pump. In a circuit using the pressure compensated pump, the relief valve

should be set several hundred psi above compensator pressure to minimize transient pressures

due to compensator overtravel.

E. Filtration – Cleanliness of fluid and components is of extreme importance in high-pressure

hydraulic circuits. A suction strainer of 140 microns or less and twice pump capacity should be

used in the pump inlet line.



A. Minor repairs – Minor repairs are considered those that do not involve total disassembly of

pump. External leaks around the pump, for example, can usually be eliminated by tightening

screws and/or fittings around the leakage area. Replacement of leaking shaft or o-ring seals is

a minor repair that can be done in the field. The Dake service manual should be consulted for

the necessary part numbers.

B. Major repairs – Major field repairs can be accomplished in an emergency. However, it is

recommended that the Dake factory be contacted for necessary parts and assistance. Dake

pumps are built to give long-term dependable service. If they should eventually require

overhaul, factory rebuilding is recommended when possible since disassembly and assembly

can damage many parts. This minimizes replacements, with net savings to the user.