Vi-poscon installation guide – Videoswitch Vi-POSCON User Manual

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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide


No Vi-POSCON Identifying Message on Monitor

What to check

What to do

1. Power to the printer

If power is not on, turn it on. If power is on, turn is off, and then

2. Data into Vi-POSCON

If no data appearing in the data window;-

Check the Data LED's, on the front panel of the Vi-POSCON
controller, flash green during a cash transaction.

Check to ensure data is appearing on the Vi-POSCON
controller DB9 connector of the cable from the printer interface.

For RS232 data, connect an oscilloscope to the DB9 pin 2
(RXD) & pin 5 (GND), and check for data from the printer
interface during a cash transaction.

For RS485 data, connect an oscilloscope to the DB9 pin 4
(RS485+) & pin 5 (GND), and then to DB9 pin 9 (RS485-) & pin
5 (GND), and check for data from the printer interface during a
cash transaction.

Alternately, if the oscilloscope has the facility to take differential
measurements, connect the oscilloscope between DB9 pin 4
(RS485+) & pin 9 (RS485-), and check for data from the printer
interface during a cash transaction.

If the Data LED's do not flash green, but data is detected on
the DB9 connector, then replace the Vi-POSCON controller.

3. Data Input Ports 1-4 (for
channel 1-4)

If data exists from the printer interface;-

If more than one active channel, then are you monitoring the
correct channel. If not, switch to the correct channel.

Check to ensure that the printer interface output cable is
connected to the correct Data Input port at the rear of the Vi-
POSCON unit.

Check to ensure the Vi-POSCON input baud rate for the
appropriate channel matches that of the printer interface output
baud rate (refer to Channel Attributes Menu, in Service Menu).
If not, change either the Vi-POSCON channel baud rate or the
output baud rate of the printer interface to match the other.

Check to ensure that the Line Filtering parameter is set
correctly for the appropriate channel in Vi-POSCON (refer to
Channel Attributes Menu, in Service Menu).

Check to ensure that the RS232/RS485 Interface Data Input
jumpers P9 – P12 are set correctly. If RS232, the appropriate
jumper should be towards the rear of the Vi-POSCON unit (i.e.
pins 1-2). If RS485, the appropriate jumper should be towards
the front of the Vi-POSCON unit (i.e. pins 2-3). Refer to Figure
1, page 9.

If 'garbage' appearing in the data window, check to ensure the
Vi-POSCON input baud rate for the appropriate channel
matches that of the printer interface output baud rate. If not,
change either the Vi-POSCON channel baud rate or the output
baud rate of the printer interface to match the other.

4. Output of printer

If no data appearing at the DB9 connector from the printer
interface, check to ensure that the printer interface is
connected, is powered up and is passing data.

NOTE 1: The LED in the printer interface should flash red when