Vi-poscon installation guide – Videoswitch Vi-POSCON User Manual
Page 24

Videoswitch 24
Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
Setting the Identifier
This setting lets you enter a text string name to identify the current alarm.
Highlight and click Identifier on the ALARM MENU. The Alarm Identifier window and an on-screen
QWERTY keyboard window open.
Use the mouse to highlight and click up to 20 characters (including spaces) to name this alarm.
Highlight and click Shift to toggle between uppercase and lowercase letters.
(To correct a character, highlight and click Error as required to erase, from right to left, characters entered.)
Highlight and click OK to save the text string. The ALARM MENU reappears displaying the identifier.
Setting the Alarm Allocation
Use this option to associate the current alarm with any of the activated input channels.
Highlight and click Setup on the ALARM MENU. The ALARM ALLOCATION menu appears.
Highlight and click the active channel to which to associate the current alarm. The ALARM MENU
reappears displaying the setup selected.
Setting the Contact Type
Use this option to identify the type of alarm contact connected to the selected channel (alarm
allocation). The default setting is Normally Open.
Highlight and click Contact Type on the ALARM MENU. The CONTACT TYPE menu appears.
Highlight and click the contact state that will initiate an alarm. The ALARM MENU reappears
displaying the contact type selected.
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \
A S D F G H J K L ; ' :
Z X C V B N M , . / < > ?
Shift Space Error
OK Cancel
Alarm Identifier
On Channel 1
On Channel 2
On Channel 3
On Channel 4
Normally Open
Normally Closed