VariZoom VZCROSSFIRE-FP User Manual

Page 3

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On stabilizer balancing

The basic idea of stabilization is to enable the operator to keep the camera level and to move it fluidly. This is achieved
through careful counterbalancing and a low-friction pivot point (the gimbal). In practice, this means you want the section
of the CrossFire FP below the gimbal to be effectively ‘heavier’ than the upper section (vertical balance), and you want the
camera’s mass to be centered on the pan axis of the gimbal to keep the camera level (horizontal balance). Vertical
balance is adjusted by adjusting the position of the tripod and/or adding weights to the counterweight shaft, while
horizontal balance is adjusted by positioning the X-Y plate side-to-side and front-to-back.

2. In order to center and balance the camcorder you’ll have to unlock the

gimbal/grip assembly. It locks inline using a threaded knob that extends
downward from the grip and butts up against the base. To unlock the
assembly, you must thread the knob back into the grip. To do this, start by
loosening the black ‘brake’ knob above the gimbal, and then twist the
handle clockwise while turning the knob counter-clockwise.

Thread the knob into the grip until it is flush. Now the grip should move

freely at the gimbal mount. Notice the fluid motion of the gimbal and the
wide range of available motion. Also note that the knob below the grip may
strike the C-handle if the grip is released. Although this will not cause any
mechanical damage, the knob could scratch the body, so be advised.

3. Now that the grip is free, you can begin balancing. In order to balance the unit properly, you need

to have the camera set up exactly as it will be used. For example, you should remove the lens
cap, flip out and position the LCD monitor, and add on any accessories prior to balancing the unit.
The smallest change to the weight distribution on the camera can significantly affect the balance
of the CrossFire FP.

4. Operating Weight Range –

A) Full Range Mode (w/ tripod): The CrossFire FP can be operated in stabilizer mode with the
tripod attached when used with cameras weighing above 5 lbs. If the camera weighs less than 5
lbs., the only way to operate with the tripod attached and still achieve vertical balance is by adding
weight above the gimbal (such as a camera weight plate or our FP1 weights) or using a riser
below the camera.