Power Jacks Spiracon™ User Manual
Page 4

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Brush Type Wiper
The brush type wiper is retained in a recess at each end of the nut and is removed by
releasing the retaining circlip, with standard circlip pliers, and removing / replacing the
brush wiper. There is no specific orientation of the brush wiper.
Plastic Type Wiper
The plastic type wiper is retained in a recess at each end of the nut by a dowel pin.
The plastic type wiper has a thread form to match the screw and they are not
interchangeable between positions or between nuts. Before removal of the nut from
the Spiracon screw identify the wiper position relative to the nut. When assembling the
nut onto the screw ensure that the wipers are flush with the face of the nut, i.e. that
there is a gap between the bottom of the recess and the inside face of the wiper, or as
defined on the Power Jacks drawing. This ensures that the wiper is free on the
Spiracon screw thread and not cross-threaded relative to the nut.
WARNING - Incorrect mounting of the wipers will result in incorrect operation of
the nut.
6.2.1 Replacing Plastic Wiper
If required pack the space between the rollers of the nut with grease before assemble
to the screw.
To fit replacement wipers to an existing nut first remove the wiper location dowel pin
from the wiper recess in the nut.
Wind the Spiracon nut onto the screw.
Wind the wiper along the screw and into the recess in the nut against the recess face.
Unwind the wiper creating a gap of 1 to 2mm between wiper and bottom of recess and
mark position of location dowel on wiper.
Drill hole suitable for location dowel in the wiper.
Position wiper on screw in nut recess, ensuring the 1 to 2mm gap is present and fit the
location dowel through the wiper into the nut.
Only standard tools are required for installation and normal maintenance.
Spares are available from Power Jacks by quoting the part number required, ref Power
Jacks general arrangement drawing supplied, and quoting the serial number
identification on the Power Jacks label on the Spiracon roller nut outer case.