Service and maintenance – Vaisala GMD20 User Manual

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The nominal 24 V supply must be connected between terminals + and -. The analogue
output is available at remaining terminals. The common wire is connected to terminal 0
and the other wire either to terminal V (voltage output) or to terminal mA (current
output). The current output type is chosen with the jumper 0/4mA (see Figure 2):
4...20mA is chosen by connecting the jumper (default) and the 0...20 mA is chosen by
disconnecting the jumper. If the relay output of the display board (in GMD20D ) is used,
connect the wires to the terminal block at the back of the display board before re-
installing it. The default relay trigger point has been set to 1000 ppm and it can be
changed with the optional software kit 19222GM. For further details, contact your local
Vaisala representative. If an optional LonWorks interface or a relay output option is
installed in the GMD20, please, refer to the corresponding manuals for details.

Note that during normal operation the green led (V10) at the lower righthand corner is
blinking. In case the self-diagnostics procedure comes across some abnormality, the red
led (V7) lights up (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 Electrical connections and leds V7, V10


The GMD20 transmitters have an excellent stability and require almost no maintenance.
In benign environments the recommended calibration interval is five years. If the reading
differs too much from the reference value during checking, the transmitter should be
removed and preferably sent to Vaisala or Vaisala distributor for re-calibration. In case
the user prefers to do the re-calibration himself, Vaisala's software Kit 19222GM and
accurate calibration gases are needed.

If full accuracy is required, the transmitter has to be calibrated against accurate and
traceable calibration gases in stable environmental conditions (temperature, pressure).
Accurate calibrations are usually performed in laboratories; in these calibrations,
temperature and pressure corrections have to be made. A full after sales calibration and
service facility is naturally provided by Vaisala and its distributors. For further details,
consult your local Vaisala representative.



transmitter GMD20 and GMD20D
