State Deluxe Systems User Manual
Page 20

The outlets of the collector are 1” copper pipe nipples See
Figure 20. They should be piped as shown with provisions
for an air vent. The air vent must be oriented vertically as
this must be the highest point in the system in order for air
to escape. This will prevent air lock and subsequent loss of
system effi ciency. Teflon® tape or high temperature, high
quality pipe sealant should be used when making threaded
The collector inlets should be piped similarly but without
the air vent.
The angled collector heat sensor is mounted to the outlet of
the collector. See Figure 21. The stainless steel screw clamp
should be used. The entire sensor should be wrapped
thoroughly with insulating stretch tape so that the sensor
is isolated from the outside air. If possible route the sensor
wire through the roof fl ashing and connect the sensor wire
to the sensor extension wire provided with wire nuts.
Figure 21.
Piping through the roof should be weatherproofed as shown
in Figure 22. Three-quarter inch holes are drilled through
the roof on the same plane as the supply and return header
pipes. Do not drill the hole above the supply header of
the collector. This will prevent the collector from draining.
Placing the hole below the supply header is acceptable,
but it is more aesthetic if it is located on the same plane.
The fl ashing plate is placed over the hole with its base
cemented to the roof and its upper edges slid under the
adjoining shingle. The copper tube supply line is then
pushed up through the hole in the fl ashing. The same
procedure is then repeated for the return line and fl ashing.
The sensor wire should also be run through the gooseneck
of the return fl ashing. The copper lines should be soldered
to the fl ashings coolie cap to a ensure proper seal. The
return and supply lines should be supported under the
roof to prevent undue stress on the piping assemblies at
the collector. Hangers shall provide adequate support and
correct pitch of pipes. Hangers or supports for insulated
pipes or components shall avoid compressing or damaging
the insulation material. Piping should be sloped toward drain
ports with a drainage slope of no less than 2 cm vertical
drop for each meter of horizontal length (1/4 inch per foot).
Figure 22.
The collector loop piping (exterior and interior) must be
well insulated with a high quality fl exible EPDM closed
cell insulation to minimize heat loss. The wall thickness
of the pipe insulation should not be less than ¾”. A 1” wall
thickness is required in all areas prone to annual hard
freeze conditions. When it comes to pipe insulation the
rule is simple: thicker is better. The specifi ed insulation
material is Armacell UT Solafl ex or equivalent. As part of
the insulation requirements the fi nal 5 ft of the cold water
inlet to the storage tank must be insulated.
To the extent possible, slide the insulation material over
the pipe without cutting or taping. All butt joints must be
sealed with high temperature contact adhesive. The use
of rigid polyethylene pipe insulation is prohibited. All
outdoor insulation should be protected from moisture
and Ultraviolet deterioration by either paint or foil tape.
Insulation to complete the outdoor portion of the installation
has been provided.