Help and specifications, Secondary and inactive stations, Hints and tips – Pure ONE Elite User Manual
Page 13
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Options and settings
Help and specifications
Secondary and inactive stations
(<>>) Secondary DAB services
Secondary services accompany some stations, providing extra information or alternative content
and may only be broadcast at certain times. If a station has secondary services available, the
station shows ‘>>’ next to its name in the station list and the secondary service appears next to
the station in the list. A secondary service has a ‘<<’ before its name in the station list.
(?) Inactive or unavailable DAB stations
Inactive or unavailable stations appear on the station list preceded by ‘?’ and cannot be tuned
to. A station may be inactive or unavailable because the station is not broadcasting at the current
time (check with the station) or has stopped broadcasting altogether. Alternatively, you may not
have a strong enough signal to receive the Multiplex on which the station is broadcast.
Hints and tips
Display says ‘No stations available’
Use Autotune (page 9) to search for stations. Try adjusting your aerial or radio position.
Receiving new DAB stations that have started broadcasting
Use Autotune (p 9) to scan for new stations and add any new DAB stations to the station list.
Using the alarm when using ChargePAK C6L or batteries
When a ChargePAK rechargeable battery or ‘C’ cell batteries are fi tted and the unit is not
connected to mains power the radio switches off completely when the Standby button is pressed.
In this case, the message ‘Disabling alarm’ will be briefl y displayed after the Standby button is
pressed and the alarm will not sound.
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