Index – ALESIS K2661 User Manual

Page 281

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K2661 Getting Started Guide




Aborting a Multiple File Load 13-22
Aborting a sample recording 14-6
Accessory disks 1-3
ADAT digital I/O 11-11
ADAT In 11-11
AES Output Length 11-11
Aftertouch 11-2
Algorithm 9-3
All Controllers Off 10-5
All Notes Off 10-5
Alpha Wheel 2-6, 3-4
Alphabetic entry 3-5, 5-4
Alphanumeric pad 3-5
Append soft button 13-20
Are you sure? dialog

suppressing with Confirm on Master page 11-4

Arpeggiator 14-13
ASCII characters 5-4
Attack velocity 11-2
Audio cables 2-2
Audio Configurations 15-1
Auditioning Objects in RAM 13-27
Auditioning Samples from a Disk File 13-18
Aux FX Bus 9-3


Bank Select

MIDI Receive page 10-7

Bank Status Indicator 13-19
Basic editing 5-1
Basic MIDI channel 10-5
battery 1-2
Boldface italic type 1-3
Boot Loader A-1
Bottom line of display 3-3
brightness 2-3
Bus Overrides 9-4
BusMod 9-4

Panic 6-10

Bypass 9-11
Bypass effects 5-8


Cables and Input Jacks 14-1

soft button 13-10

Cancel soft button 13-20
CD-ROM 13-1
Chan/Bank button

for bypassing 9-6

CHAN/BANK buttons 3-3, 5-8
Changing intonation key 11-4
Changing song playback programs 12-20
Channel/Program (CH/PROG) Page

Setup Mode 7-2

Channels on and off 10-8
Character substitution 3-7
Characters 5-4
Choose File Name Function 13-26
CLIP indicator

Sampling page 14-3


Song mode 12-37

Compare 5-8
Configuring control sources 6-10
Confirmations 11-4
Connecting MIDI 2-2
Connecting SCSI devices 13-3
Contemporary ROM C-1
contrast 2-3
Control Setup 6-10

Setup Editor 7-2

Control sources

Configuring 6-10

Controlling KDFX 9-17
conventions for editing objects 5-1

on Object Utilities page 11-17

Creating Directories 13-11
Cursor buttons 3-3


Data entry 3-4

on Object Utilities page 11-18

Deleting objects 5-6, 11-11
Dependent Objects

loading 13-18

Dependent objects

saving 13-28

Diagnostic tests A-3

Save 5-3

Digital Output Format 11-11
Digital Outputs

using 15-3

Directories 13-4

creating 13-11

Directory Selection Dialog 13-13
Disk button 5-8
Disk Drive Information 13-5
Disk format requirements 13-1
Disk Function soft buttons 13-6
Disk Mode 5-7, 13-2
Disk mode 4-4
Disk Mode Functions 13-14
Display 3-2
Double button presses 3-5
Drum channel 11-2
Drum Loop

example of recording 12-4

Drum trigger 14-4

on Object Utilities page 11-19

Dynamic voice allocation 11-12