Networking quick setup guide, Bjpro series security kits, Step 6: enabling activex controls – Night Owl BJ-881-624A quick start User Manual
Page 2: Step 5: ddns registration, Step 7: entering ddns information into the dvr, Step 8: remote viewing options

Networking Quick Setup Guide
BJPRO Series Security Kits
STEP 6: Enabling ActiveX Controls
STEP 5: DDNS Registration
A. Go to
B. Select the Registration button located at the top left corner of the page.
C. Complete the New User Registration form.
D. Create a domain name. If your chosen domain name is available, you will
receive a window that says that your domain was successfully created. If
your chosen domain name is not available, you will receive a notification on
the top of the screen that says “Your userid is already in use” and you will
have to choose another domain name. Write down the information.
E. Click Submit. Your domain name has now been created.
A. Open the Internet Explorer browser.
B. Go to Tools (the gear icon) and select Internet Options.
C. Go to the Security tab.
D. Select the Custom Level button.
E. Scroll down until you see
“ActiveX controls and plug-ins.”
Set all the ActiveX controls to Enable, or to Prompt when available.
(Selecting Prompt will give you some control over security on your computer
when ActiveX features are requested.) Click OK and then Apply.
STEP 7: Entering DDNS Information into the DVR
STEP 8: Remote Viewing Options
Right-click the
DVR’s mouse or select the Menu button on the DVR’s remote, select
the Main Menu,
select the Advanced button, select the COMM tab, and then select
DDNS from the list on the left side of the screen.
B. Set DDNS to Enable and Server to NightOwl.
C. Enter the information that you set up during the DDNS registration in Step 5.
a. Enter the domain name in the Host Name field. (For example,
b. Enter your UserID in the User Name field.
c. Enter your Password in the Password field.
D. Select Apply to save the changes. Select Test to make sure the settings work. (Note: If
the test fails and you need to make changes, be sure to select Apply before retesting.)
A. You can access your DVR through
Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, or 10 by opening
a web browser.
B. You can access your DVR through software on the CD that came with your kit:
a. NetViewer Software
b. Control Management Software
C. You can view information from your cameras over Smartphones and tablet
a. iPhone®, iPad®, Blackberry®, Android®, Windows Mobile®, and
Please visit our website at for all manuals, software, and firmware updates. There are also
free How-To Videos with step by step instructions for configuring the settings on your DVR.
To learn how to configure the remote settings, Refer to the User Manual on the CD that came with your kit.