Tuff Country 52000 - Toyota FJ Cruiser 07-13 3 lift kit User Manual
Page 4

the newly modified stock upper strut bearing plate, the
stock isolator and the stock upper strut hardware. Carefully
compress the stock strut enough so that the new strut
spacer can be installed. Install the new strut spacer and
isolator into the stock strut and secure the stock upper
bearing plate to stock strut assembly using the stock upper
strut hardware. Make sure to use thread locker or lock tite.
Torque to 65 ft lbs.
12. Locate (1) new upper strut isolator spacer and the stock
upper hardware. Working on the driver side, install the new
upper strut isolator spacer on top of the new strut assem-
bly and install into the stock strut upper location. Secure the
top of the new strut assembly using the stock hardware.
Torque to the stock hardware to 42 ft lbs. Special note: If
needed, carefully cut off the excess thread off of the 10
mm x 2 1/4” studs.
Photo # 10
13. Locate the stock lower strut bolt and hardware. Secure
the stock strut assembly into the stock lower location using
the stock hardware. Make sure to use thread locker or lock
tite. Torque to 75 ft lbs. Special note: When installing the
stock lower bolt, make sure that the bolt is installed the
way it was removed. Facing towards the front of the
vehicle. Also, take special care not to damage the
stock CV boot when re-installing the stock hardware.
14. Repeat steps 7 - 13 on the passenger side strut
15. Locate the stock castle nut and cotter pin. Working on
the driver side, secure the stock knuckle to the stock upper
control arm using the stock hardware. Torque and install
the stock cotter pin. Special note: If the stock cotter pin
can not be installed because the hole in the stock cas-
tle nut does not line up with the hole in the new ball
joint, DO NOT loosen the stock castle nut so that the
cotter pin can fit, tighten the stock castle nut some
more so that the stock cotter pin can be installed.
Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
16. Locate the stock sway bar hardware. Working on the
driver side, secure the stock sway bar to the stock knuckle
using the stock hardware and torque to 65 ft lbs. Repeat
procedure on the passenger side.
17. Working on the driver side, carefully remove the stock
bolt that connects the stock front differential to the stock
front cross member. Save the stock oversize washer. The
stock bolt and nut may be discarded. Repeat procedure on
the passenger side.
18. Locate (2) new S10051, front differential spacer
sleeves, (2) 1/2” x 6” bolts and (2) 1/2” unitorque nuts from
hardware bag 52000NB. Also, locate the stock oversize
washers. Carefully lower down on both hydraulic floor jacks
allowing enough room for the new front differential spacers
to be installed. Working on the driver side, install the new
front differential spacer between the front differential and
the stock front cross member and secure using the new
1/2” x 6” bolt, 1/2” unitorque nut and the stock over size
washer. Make sure to use thread locker or lock tite. Do not
tighten at this point. Repeat procedure on the passenger
side. Torque the new 1/2” hardware to 80 ft lbs. Carefully
remove both hydraulic floor jacks front under the front dif-
Photo # 11
19. Locate (2) S10025 stock front skid plate spacer
sleeves, (2) 8 MM x 40 MM bolts and (2) 1/4” USS flat
washers from hardware bag 52000NB. Also, locate the
stock skid plate and the stock skid plate hardware. Re-
install the stock skid plate into the stock upper location
using the stock hardware. Do not tighten at this point.
Secure the lower portion of the stock skid plate to the stock
location using the new 8 mm x 40 mm bolts, 1/4” USS flat
washers and make sure to install the new spacer between
the stock skid plate and the stock location. Torque the new
8 mm x 40 mm bolt and stock hardware to 12 ft lbs.
20. Re-install the tires and wheels and torque to proper
torque settings. Carefully lower the vehicle to the ground.
Front end Installation complete!
Rear end installation:
21. To begin installation, block the front tires of the vehicle
so that the vehicle is stable and can’t roll forward. Safely lift
the rear of the vehicle and support the frame with a pair of
jack stands. Place the jacks stands on both the driver and
the passenger side. Make sure that the parking brake is not
set. Next, remove the tires and wheels from both sides.
22. Place a pair of hydraulic floor jacks under the rear axle.
Place one on the driver side and one on the passenger
23. Working on the driver side, remove the stock shock
from the stock upper and lower location. Set the stock
lower mounting hardware aside for later re-installation. The
stock shock and upper mounting hardware may be
discarded. Special note: New longer rear shocks are
needed, if you have not already ordered shocks, please
contact Tuff Country or your local Tuff Country dealer
and order the proper shocks. Tuff Country
recommends using a 26” fully extended hydraulic
shock. Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
24. Carefully lower down on both hydraulic floor jacks at the
same time allowing enough room so that the stock rear coil
spring can be removed and the new rear coil spring
spacers can be installed on top of the stock coil spring.
Photo # 12
25. Locate the new rear coil spring spacers. Working on the
driver side, remove the stock coil spring isolator from the
stock coil spring and install the new coil spring spacers on
top of the stock coil spring then re-install the stock coil
spring isolator. Repeat procedure on the passenger side.