Tuff Country 36100 - Dodge 09-11 Ram 1500 6 kit User Manual

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lower control arm pocket from the leading edge towards the
driver side 2 1/2”, scribe a line around the pocket. Carefully
cut along the line to remove part of the rear lower control
arm pocket. Special note: Tuff Country does not recom-
mend using a torch when performing this step. Tuff
Country recommends using a cut off wheel or sawzall.
After cutting, clean, dress up and paint exposed metal.

18. Locate the driver side front differential relocation brack-
et. Also, locate (2) 12 mm x 40 mm bolts, (2) 12 mm lock
washers and (2) 12 mm flat washers from hardware bag
34100NB8. Working on the driver side, install the new driv-
er side front differential relocation bracket to the frame
using the new 12 mm x 40 mm bolts and hardware. Do not
tighten at this point.

19. Locate the driver side rear differential relocation brack-
et. Also, locate (3) 12 mm x 40 mm bolts, (3) 12 mm lock
washers and (3) 12 mm flat washers from hardware bag
34100NB8. Working on the driver side, install the new driv-
er side rear differential relocation bracket to the frame
using the new 12 mm x 40 mm bolts and hardware. Do not
tighten at this

20. Locate the passenger side differential relocation brack-
et. Locate the passenger side differential stock bolts. Also,
locate (4) 12 mm flat washers and (2) 12 mm unitorque
nuts from hardware bag 34100NB8. Working on the pas-
senger side, install the new passenger side differential relo-
cation bracket to the frame using the stock bolts and new
12 mm hardware. Do not tighten at this point.

21. Working on the driver side of the removed front differ-
ential, disconnect the inner CV axle assembly from the dif-
ferential. Special note: Using pry bars, positioned
between the inner CV and the differential will help free
the axles.

22. Locate (2) 12 mm x 60 mm bolts, (4) 12 mm flat wash-
ers and (2) 12 mm unitorque nuts from hardware bag
34100NB8. Using a differential floor jack, bring the front dif-
ferential under the vehicle and secure the differential to the
previously installed driver side front differential relocation
bracket using the new 12 mm x 60 mm bolts and hardware.
Do not tighten at this point.

23. Raise up on the passenger side of the differential hous-
ing which will allow the passenger side of the cross mem-
ber to be attach to the frame. Position the S10225 sleeve
in the middle of the factory lower control arm mount then
insert the supplied 18 mm x 150 mm bolt and 3/4” flat
washer from the front through the cross member and
sleeve. Place the 1 1/2” x 2” washer onto the bolt (this
washer is going to seat in the stock rear cam washer
Install the supplied flat washer then the 18 mm
nylock nut. Do not tighten at this point.

24.Raise up on the rear cross member until it seats into the
driver side frame. Position the S10225 sleeve in the middle
of the factory lower control arm mount then insert the sup-
plied 18 mm x 150 mm bolt and 3/4” flat washer from the
front through the cross member and sleeve. Place the 1
1/2” x 2” washer onto the bolt (this washer is going to
seat in the stock rear cam washer location).
Install the
supplied flat washer then the 18 mm nylock nut. Do not
tighten at this point.