Sper Scientific 736680 Min-Max Thermometer With Magnet User Manual

Page 2

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Operation: Use the magnet to
bring the blue floats to rest on the
top of the mercury columns on both
the right and left sides. The starting
temperature for each float should
be the same. Note: the scales on
the left side are reversed from the
one on the right.

As the temperature changes the
floats will be moved by the mercury
columns. The floats will stick at the
highest and lowest temperatures
until reset.

The bottom of the float registers the
maximum temperature on the right
side and the minimum temperature
on the left. To reset the floats use
the magnet to move them to the top
of the mercury columns.

Notes: The mercury is packed in a
clear liquid. If air bubbles form in the
liquid, place the thermometer upright
in the sun, and let the bubbles rise to
the top. Or, see instructions for First
Use. Never put the thermometer into
an oven.

Breakage: Do not return a broken
thermometer. Dispose of mercury
according to your local waste-
management guidelines. Do not
touch Mercury - it is toxic!







Accuracy ±2.0



11" x 2



x 1"


4.6 oz.
