Speedtech B Body Rear Trailing Arm User Manual

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5. Remove the factory lower trailing arms. Drill out the lower trailing arm mount
bolt hole on the frame and the lower mount bolt hole on the rear axle to 9/16”.
Adjust the Speedtech lowers as needed in the same manner as the uppers.
Install the trailing arms with the new bolts. Raise the axle to ride height and
recheck pinion angle. If the angle is off, remove the rearward end of the lower
trailing arms. Adjust the driver's side arm and reinstall. Adjust passenger arm to
match bolt hole alignment and reinstall. Check pinion angle again. Repeat
process until desired pinion angle is achieved.

6. Check to make sure the rear axle is laterally centered side to side in the car
and the wheels are centered front to back in the wheel opening. Adjust trailing
arms as needed. Always be sure pinion angle is rechecked as centering
adjustments are made.

7. Reinstall coil springs and shocks.