Speedtech B Body Rear Trailing Arm User Manual

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The vehicle should be on a level surface before you start.

1. In a couple short hours you can update your Impala with new Speedtech
Performance trailing arms. We recommend you inspect all of your car's
suspension components prior to installation of our parts, such as bushings and
brake lines which may be worn and could cause adverse effects.

2. Jack up and properly support the vehicle on sturdy jack stands, two supporting
the rear axle and two supporting the front of the frame. Remove the rear wheels.
With the rear axle supported, record pinion angle AT RIDE HEIGHT. You will
need to match this number after your new trailing arms are installed. An easy
way to do this is attach your pinion gauge to the heads of two rear end cover
bolts that align vertically.

3. Support the rear of the frame with jack stands. Remove the shocks and
watching that you don't stretch the brake hose, carefully lower the rear axle until
you can remove the coil springs. Support the axle with jack stands. Place
another jack stand under the pinion ujoint to keep the rear axle from rotating
once it is unbolted. Remove the upper trailing arms.

4. Using the factory upper arms, line up the bolt holes with those on the
Speedtech upper arms. If an adjustment is needed, the Speedtech Articulink
control arms are threaded and can be adjusted by twisting them either to the
right to shorten or left to lengthen. See diagram on page 4.