AT&T 76450 User Manual
Page 9

Common Systems Connection Standards AT&T Services, Inc
Date: June 2013
ATT-TP-76450, Issue 15
2013, AT&T . All Rights Reserved.
Page 9
AC Connectors
AC power connectors shall be of a type to provide locking. This locking mechanism shall
prevent the connection from being accidently dislodged. Acceptable locking connectors are:
Twist lock
Having a locking guard that mounts to the chassis to prevent accidental dislodging
A “YES” indicates compliance to 2.5
DC Equipment Power Protection
Circuit Breakers / No Power Protection
If the shelf / system being evaluated does not utilize power protection, an approved bay
mounted fuse panel (SPDU) shall be required. The panel shall utilize an approved Telcom or
Telpower fuse type as listed on the AT&T DC Power Minor Material List. The use of circuit
breakers or non-field replaceable fuses for shelf / system power protection is considered Non-
Standard Circuit breakers will be considered an “on – off” switch for the equipment with fused
circuit protection required at the bay level. Equipment utilizing fuse protection that is not “field
replaceable” will require a bay mounted fuse panel.
Circuit Breakers - Only thermal magnetic and magnetic type DC circuit breakers are
acceptable. Circuit breakers should adhere to all applicable UL and ANSI standards.
DC Circuit breakers that are labeled 100% are full load rated and may be sized at the
same capacity as the List 2X drain.
A “YES” answer here indicates the equipment is utilizing circuit breakers or has no
power protection or has fuses which are not “field replaceable” and requires a bay
mounted fuse panel.
AT&T approved fused Power Distribution Units (PDU) shall be used to provide power to
transport and data equipment. Power is distributed to the equipment from Battery Distribution
Fuse Bays (BDFB) or an arrangement utilizing a Secondary Power Distribution Unit (SPDU).
The SPDU is smaller than a BDFB in physical size and capacity.
PDUs that are independent of the network element but, included as part of the total package
must meet the requirements listed in this section; must be approved for use, and should be
identified by an associated AT&T PID (Product ID) number assigned by the AT&T Power
Technical Staff