Manley shrimp – Manley SHRIMP User Manual

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An EveAnna Manley Production

Featuring concept, layout, and industrial design by EveAnna Manley


Mitch Margolis as the circuit designer

Mastered by: Baltazar Hernandez

In keeping with our new tradition of naming fresh new Manley HIFI products after
aquatic creatures, we set out to design a new entry level preamplifier. The initial working
title of this production was the small fish "Anchovy" which EveAnna does enjoy on
pizzas and Caesar's salads, but many do not. So instead we chose the whimsical name
"Shrimp" in honour of a small sea critter which many people do enjoy on Caesar Salads
or fried up with plenty of garlic. Yes, we are aware that many people have shellfish
allergies or cannot consume crustaceans due to religious reasons, however, since the
Manley Shrimp is indeed inedible, we hope you will not be so offended or try to eat it.
Please be warned we do plan to come out with a medium priced preamp called the Prawn
and perhaps an extravagant preamplifier called the Lobster.

From Mitch's creative brain issued forth all the clever circuitry and schematic design.
Balta did all the circuit board and metal work drawings and assembled the prototypes
- no small feat. EveAnna and Baltazar together worked extensively on five layout
variations on successive nights after all the people had gone when it would be quiet
enough to really get the noise levels down to subterranean levels by moving around
cabling, re-doing ground paths, optimizing system grounding, invoking hum deflection
techniques, choosing optimum metal combinations and other mad wizardry.

You can blame this silly manual on EveAnna and Mitch with some intelligent ramblings
contributed by Hutch.

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