Audiovox XB9 User Manual
Page 9

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a. Plug the antenna into the ANT connector on the
back of the XB9.
b. Leave the antenna in place on the Boom Box,
or remove the antenna from its mount, uncoil
the antenna lead, and place it at the preferred
location inside or outside the home. If the XR9
display says “NO SIGNAL,” the antenna needs to
be repositioned. In addition, even if you are
receiving the XM signal, it is recommended
that you optimize the position of your XM Antenna
as described in this section enabling you to
receive the strongest possible signal and
consistent, mute-free reception. Your XR9 display
has two different signal-strength indicators which
will help you optimize the antenna’s position: The
first is a basic signal strength indicator visible at
the upper right corner of the display screen during
normal listening. It has from zero to three
vertical bars; three bars represent the strongest
signal. The other is a higher-resolution signal-
strength indicator screen showing Terrestrial
and Satellite indications which allow you to
optimally aim your XM Antenna. To access and
use this screen, refer to the XR9 Satellite Radio
Receiver User Guide (128-7220).
7. Positioning the XM Antenna
The antenna supplied with the XB9 is a high-gain type
that can receive XM’s signal from one of XM’s satel-
lites and/or, depending on where you live, XM’s ter-
restrial repeaters. It is recommended that the
antenna be positioned near a south-facing window or
outdoors with a clear view of the southeastern sky in
order to receive the satellite signal. In some cases, it
will be possible to receive XM’s signal through
standard home walls or a roof. To position your
antenna, first set up the Boom Box as described
earlier in this user guide. Next, position the antenna
until you receive the strongest possible satellite sig-
nal. If the satellite signal is not available, you can op-
timize it for a terrestrial signal (where available).